Monday, September 9, 2019

First Kiss - Claimed By A Charmer (Pith Trilogy - Book 2)

Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss ~Keats

First Kiss - Claimed By A Charmer (Pith Trilogy - Book 2)
Excerpt Copyright @ 2019 Kara Griffin

Isabel couldn’t take her eyes from him. He looked to want to kiss her, but he withstood the desire. She glanced at the doors and hoped none saw inside. It would be her downfall because God help her, she wanted his kiss.
She smiled and continued to secure Candace’s satchel. “You do owe her an apology. We’ve been friends for four years. I suppose you don’t know about our friendship because you aren’t close with your sister. If you were, you would’ve been aware.”
“I was away…” He scowled and his words lagged. “I won’t explain myself to you.”
“I didn’t ask you to.” Isabel peered over his shoulder and assessed the best way to get around him. “I should go.” She stepped around him, but his arm stopped her. It was as if she’d walked into a stone wall, for his corded arm swung her around and he set his hand on her waist. Before she realized what he was about, he crushed his lips on hers and claimed her in the most possessive way.
Isabel’s heart raced and melted at the same time. His kiss was demanding, so much like him, but he gentled the kiss when he squeezed her jaw open. Douglas backed her against the wall of the stable and trapped her within his arms. His tongue crept inside her mouth and she mimicked the movement. Lost in the sensual desire, she didn’t pull away.
She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer, wanting him to continue to the kiss. He withdrew and scowled. His beautiful eyes peered with a shine, perhaps passion. Douglas teased her. Isabel didn’t appreciate being teased. He didn’t make a move to walk away and pressed his lips on hers again. He made her feel hot, like the fire from Scotty’s brew. His kiss ignited something within her. She moaned and held him close.
Douglas tore his mouth from hers and wore a serious expression. “I’ve thought about kissing you since you stepped into the hall, yestereve.”
Isabel gasped at his intention. The kiss frightened her, yet thrilled her. She was angry with herself for being affected, and that she forgot where she was. It was unlike her to do either. Isabel shoved him back and moved around him. She strode to the door and over her shoulder, she said, “That, my lord, was a goodbye kiss.”
Douglas laughed behind her.
She staggered to the door, her hair unbound and swung loosely at her hips. He’d pulled her hair free of its ties. She was lost in the kiss and hadn’t noticed.
“You enjoyed my kisses,” he yelled. “You cannot tell me otherwise.”
Before Isabel walked through the door, she turned and declared, “Like hell I did.”
His laughter resonated from inside the stable. She noted several men who sat on their horses awaiting Douglas. They wore smiles on their faces. Had they seen their kisses? They couldn’t have seen inside the darkened stable. The grim fellow motioned for her to approach, but Isabel was wary of him, and she shook her head. She heard him chuckle.
She couldn’t fathom why she’d let Douglas kiss her blatantly, and even worse, she’d cursed in his presence. So much for presenting a ladylike demeanor. She needed to find Father Georges, and confess the many sins she’d committed since yesterday. Oh, Lord above, help her remember them all.

Don't miss Claimed By A Charmer

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