Sunday, May 19, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

It's A Spring Thing!

I'm celebrating the finale of the Legend of the King's Guard series. If you haven't read this medieval Scottish series set during the Wars of Independence, you might want to snag them. They're available for a limited time for 99 cents on Amazon.

And be sure to stop by my website and enter the monthly giveaway. This month, a signed copy of Conquered Heart, the first book in the Legend of the King's Guard series is going to be given to a lucky winner. Only US residents only.

Let me know what you think of the new website design. I love the one-page feel of it and hope you do too!

Kara Griffin

Monday, May 6, 2019

Finding Inspiration ...

Finding motivation, inspiration, and the time to write is a challenge for many authors. In the last year, it had been so for me. Lately I have been inspired and motivated but unfortunately lack the time to get to all of my writing needs.

Now it is time to get down to business and get these stories written. Here's a list of my current works and some events that are coming up.

This July is the 20th anniversary of the first book in the Pith Trilogy. I cannot believe it's been that long since I wrote my very first romance WARRIOR'S PLEDGE. It is a story I still smile at when I remember the characters. I plan to celebrate this milestone by revamping all the stories (just a smidgen mind you) and giving them gorgeous new covers. Look for the updates beginning in July and fanning out to end of year.

The first book in the Mystic Ladies of Britain series is due out soon. The first in the series PENDRAGON'S PRINCESS is in editing and will soon be in your hands. The second book THE GOOD WITCH AND THE WARRIOR is sure to be an incredible love story. The last book, THE KNIGHT'S LOVE (title TBA) is the conclusion.

I don't know about you, but I love me some scary in my romance stories. I've begun the tale of THE DAUGHTERS OF DUNFELD -- a collection of stories that is sure to be a frightening romantic good time. Look for the release near October 2019!

And of course I'll be writing more series. There are currently two on the back-burner: THE MARVELOUS MACLEERS and THE KEEPERS OF THE KINGDOM. You'll hear more about these series as I plot and plan.

If you haven't read any of the books in these series, be sure to check them out.

  • THE LEGEND OF THE KING'S GUARD series books are discounted from 5/9 to 5/16 in the US/UK for 99 cents.
  • THE GUNN GUARDSMAN series books are discounted from 5/16 to 5/23 in the US/UK for 99 cents.

Be sure to visit my website as I start a new monthly giveaway of a print book. This month I'm giving away a copy of CONQUERED HEART, the first book in the Legend of the King's Guard series. Visit my website at: and check out the NEW look.

I am ready, motivated, and am truly inspired to give you stories to make you swoon, sigh, and perhaps cry a wee bit at the sweet, sexy, and passionate stories I have planned.

Happy Reading!
Kara Griffin