Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Get rewards and the latest...

Are you a lover of Medieval, Scottish, and Historical romances? Be sure to check out my website at https://karagrif66.wixsite.com/authorkaragriffin and join my newsletter. I often have exclusive giveaways for my newsletter subscribers. Typically, newsletters are sent out once a quarter, with an exclusive giveaway.

Right now for I'm having an exclusive giveaway of 3 copies of PENDRAGON'S PRINCESS for subscribers only. So be sure to subscribe and I look forward to interacting with you.

If you've read any of my books, please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It is vital to increasing exposure to other readers. And it is truly appreciated.

Kara Griffin

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Celebrate with me!

Reader friends, help me celebrate the release of Pendragon's Princess and my Birthday! I'm having a special giveaway on Amazon. Be sure to enter. I'm giving away 3 copies of Pendragon's Princess. This is an exclusive giveaway in celebration. No, don't ask how old I am (won't admit it to anyone)... Let's just say I'm getting up there.

I'm thrilled to have Pendragon's Princess available to readers. It's not my usual Scottish Highland story, but a medieval romance. I love the Anglo-Saxon period and hope you enjoy Rhyder and Catriona's story. There will be more tales to come in the Mystic Maidens of Britain series, so keep a look out.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement.

Kara Griffin