Saturday, June 8, 2019

Celebrate with me!

Reader friends, help me celebrate the release of Pendragon's Princess and my Birthday! I'm having a special giveaway on Amazon. Be sure to enter. I'm giving away 3 copies of Pendragon's Princess. This is an exclusive giveaway in celebration. No, don't ask how old I am (won't admit it to anyone)... Let's just say I'm getting up there.

I'm thrilled to have Pendragon's Princess available to readers. It's not my usual Scottish Highland story, but a medieval romance. I love the Anglo-Saxon period and hope you enjoy Rhyder and Catriona's story. There will be more tales to come in the Mystic Maidens of Britain series, so keep a look out.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement.

Kara Griffin

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