Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sexy Summer Historical Romances

Sexy Summer Historical Romances
Hope you're enjoying the summer. And for my friends in the lower equator, winter :)

Readers, there's lots of things happening behind the scenes. I'm happy to announce all my books will be available at all retailers. Please be patient as they become available. :) Working through back list.

Also, all print books have been lowered to $11.99. I hope this makes it easier for those who enjoy print books to get copies.
Here's a link to books available in print:
Books In Print

Look out around Labor Day (US) for some giveaways on my website and Instagram. Be sure to follow me on your favorite sites.


If you love shopping for books at Smashwords, be sure to check out my books and follow:

And if you love imagery with books, I have storyboards for each of my books on Pinterest. See what inspired many scenes within the books and get character insight. <3 p="">https://www.pinterest.com/karagriffin/

I have many new projects in the works and cannot wait to share them with you. You'll have more Highland warriors, Medieval knights, and sigh-worthy stories!

With love,
Kara Griffin

Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer In Scotland

Join me in a daily inspirational quest. I'll be posting on Instagram, Facebook, and here on my blog pictures of Scotland which inspired scenes in my books. I hope you enjoy these stunning images.

Please be sure to comment and post images that inspire you. All those who respond to any of the Summer In Scotland posts will be entered to win a print book from published titles. Looking forward to see what inspires you.

Kara Griffin