Saturday, July 2, 2016


July 4th is one of those days that you can truly enjoy and know that your celebration is in remembrance of our history's past. I love history and the Revolutionary War is one of those events that has as much sadness as it has heroics. So many put their lives at risk to win freedom from England.

I'm not one for politics or political sentiment, but since this year is likely one of the most contentious years in our nation's history, you have to wonder what is going to happen? Will we all remember the words in the Declaration of Independence? Will we stand for a government that oppresses us? Our forefather's didn't, and we shouldn't either. Yet the only way we will ever make a difference is if we stand together -- but we're all too divided to really make a difference. I commend those who stand up for their rights and have the wherewithal to confront the government on issues they are passionate about.

So as the holiday nears, I got to thinking ... When did we celebrate the first 4th. Here's a great article by Live Science that explains it. Yes, July 4th, 1777 because no one thought of it until July 3rd, when in actuality the date should've been July 2nd. :) But we will celebrate on the fourth with joy and respect for what it really means. FREEDOM.

Wishing everyone in the USA a great holiday and during your celebrations, stop for a moment and realize that 240 years ago it was not such a joyous time. Let us hope the future rings bright for our country.

Kara Griffin